I think every aspiring actor should read as many of these books as possible. You will note the absence of the “classics” such as Hagan and Stanislavsky. They are missing as I think these books are more important. Some are out of print and therefore may be skipped, at least for the present. These are listed in no particular order. Just find a title that interests you , get a copy at amazon.com where you can get it used and in paper (if possible) at the very best price. If amazon does not have it try bookfinder.com
-The Actor’s Art and Craft by Wm Esper and Damon DiMarco
-The Tao of Acting- Dr. Kenneth D. Plonkey
-The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Acting –Paul Baldwin and John Malone
-Rehearsal – Miriam Franklin
-True and False-David Mamet
-Acting without Agony – Don Richardson
-Acting is Everything: Gold Edition-Judy Kerr
-How to Be a Working Actor-Mari Lyn Henry and Lynne Rogers
-Self Management for Actors-Bonnie Gillespie
-How to Get Arrested-J. Wallach Michael and Paul Thurwachter
-An Agent Tells All-Tony Martinez
-How To Book Acting Jobs in TV and Film-Cathy Reinking
-One Less Bitter Actor: The Actor's Survival Guide-Markus Flanagan
-So You Want to Be in Showbusiness?- Steve R. Stevens
-Acting Truths and Lies (purchased at www.info4actors.com):
-Book the Job-Doug Warhit
-Intent to Live-Larry Moss
-Acting for the Camera-Tony Barr
-Acting in Film-Michael Caine
-Acting Class: Take a Seat-Milton Katselas
-Acting Professionally-Robert Cohen
-Acting As a Business – Brian O’Neil
-How to Get the Part Without Falling Apart-Margie Haber
-Audition-Michael Shurtleff
-The 15 Guideline Map to Booking-Amy Lyndon
-Secrets to Successful Cold Readings-Glenn Alterman
-How to Become a Magnet to Hollywood Success – Micelle Blood and Rock Riddle